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Alabama and Non-Alabama Student Residency Policy

For the purpose of assessing fees, applicants shall be classified as Alabama or non- Alabama students. Non-Alabama students are required to pay a non-resident tuition fee. All students registering at Auburn University at Montgomery (AUM) who come to the state of Alabama from another state for the purpose of attending school will be considered a “non-resident student” for tuition purposes. Classification of students as a non- resident shall be made at the time of their initial admission to the university and the non-resident status shall continue unchanged through all registrations at the university until and unless satisfactory evidence is provided supporting that the student’s reason for coming to and remaining in the state has changed.

Documents which are at least one (1) year old from the date of issue are often, but not always, more probative than those that are less than one year old. In determining Alabama student status for purposes of assessing fees, the burden of proof is on the applicant.

Any student who attended or graduated from an out-of-state high school, attended online college or university or attended a higher education institution in another state will be coded as a non-resident upon admission and must file a residency appeal. Please provide documentation if the educational program is residency based or online.

An Alabama student/resident is a citizen of the United States, or legal permanent resident who, at the time of admission to the university:

  • Is not a “minor” and is a resident of the state of Alabama and has been a resident of the state for at least 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the date of initial registration; or

  • Is a “minor” and whose “supporting person(s)” is a resident of the state of Alabama and has been a resident of the state for at least 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the date of initial registration; or

  • One who, at the time of registration, is not a “minor” and:

  • Is a full-time, permanent employee of AUM or is the spouse of such an employee;

  • Can verify full-time permanent employment within the State of Alabama or is the spouse of such an employee and will commence said employment within 90 days of registration with the institution;

  • Is a spouse by legal marriage of a bona fide Alabama resident;

  • Is a member or the spouse of a member of the United States military on full-time active duty stationed in Alabama under orders for duties other than attending school (members of the National Guard or Reserves are not included in this provision);

  • Has been a member of the Alabama National Guard for a period of at least two years immediately preceding the student qualifying for resident tuition and continues to be a member of the Alabama National Guard while enrolled at the public institution of higher education;

  • Is an accredited member or the spouse of an accredited member of a consular staff assigned to duties in Alabama;

  • Is a non-resident undergraduate student who has been awarded a full-time academic, athletic or other similar performance tuition scholarship by AUM, or a graduate student appointed on assistantships of at least one-fourth time;

  • Is a non-resident student enrolled in programs included in the Southern Regional Education Board Academic Common Market, provided the student does not change to another program that does not fall under this category. In a case of change, the student will be classified as nonresident for tuition purposes; OR

  • One who, at the time of initial registration, is a “minor” and whose “supporting person(s)”:

  • Is a full-time, permanent employee of AUM;

  • Can verify full-time permanent employment within the State of Alabama and will commence said employment within 90 days of student’s registration with AUM;

  • Is a member of the United States military on full-time active duty stationed in Alabama under orders for duties other than attending school. (Members of the National Guard or Reserves are not included in this provision);

  • Is an accredited member of a consular staff assigned to duties in Alabama.

A non-resident student is one who does not meet the criteria for a “resident student” as specified in the preceding section.

Questions regarding resident and non-resident status for tuition change purposes should be directed to Auburn University at Montgomery, Admissions Office, PO Box 244023, Montgomery, AL 36124-4023; (334) 244-3615; or by visiting us on the website.

Initial Determination of Eligibility

In order to be initially classified as eligible for resident tuition, students must demonstrate that they or their parent, guardian or spouse qualify for one of the eligibility categories prior to the first day of class. A signed statement is required, attesting that qualification for the eligibility category claimed has been met prior to registration.

Change in Eligibility for Resident Tuition

Students determined to be eligible for resident tuition will maintain that eligibility upon re-enrollment within 12 months of their most recent enrollment unless there is evidence that the student subsequently has abandoned resident status (for example, registering to vote in another state). Students failing to re-enroll within 12 months must establish eligibility upon re-enrollment.

Students initially classified as ineligible for resident tuition will retain that classification for tuition purposes until they provide clear and convincing evidence that they have established permanent domicile in Alabama. The burden of proof of change in eligibility rests on those requesting change. Evidence relevant to an initial determination of eligibility is also relevant to establishing a change in eligibility.

Non-resident students who carry a full academic load considered normal (12 or more hours per term) for students at AUM will be presumed to be in Alabama primarily for the purpose of gaining an education and, thus, have not demonstrated the intent to establish a true domicile in Alabama. Clear and convincing proof may overcome this presumption, but again, the burden of proof rests on those requesting change in eligibility. Any change in resident tuition eligibility occurring during an academic term will not become effective until the registration for the succeeding term.

The following types of evidence may contain data to establish 12-month residency in Alabama. In all cases the person must be at least 19 years of age or married and financially independent. Otherwise, the person’s residency will be based on that of the parent or guardian.

1.   Ownership or rental of residential property in Alabama and continuous occupation thereof on an extended term of not less than 12 consecutive months.

2.   Full-time permanent employment in Alabama.

3.   Possession of Alabama licenses required to do business or practice a profession in Alabama.

4.   Legal marriage to a bona fide Alabama resident.

5.   Registration to vote in Alabama.

6.   Filing of Alabama resident income tax returns.

7.   Holding of a current Alabama driver’s license.

8.   Registration of a vehicle in Alabama and payment of property taxes thereon.

9.   Evidence of banking activity within Alabama for 12 consecutive months prior to making application for residency change.

The Admissions Office at AUM determines whether a student will be classified as an Alabama or non-Alabama student. The decision is subject to review by the chancellor at AUM or his designated representative, upon written request of the applicant.